# Kitsu Documentation
Kitsu (opens new window) is a collaboration platform for animation and VFX productions. Through its clean UI and shared database it connects all the shareholders of the production: Artists, Production managers, Supervisors, Vendors, and Clients.
# Introduction to Kitsu Basic
Kitsu the next generation production tracker, here is some link to familiarize yourself with our concepts
- Getting started with Kitsu: learn the principle and vocabulary of Kitsu and better prepare your production workflow.
- Preparation of your Team: Prepare your team and define their departments and permissions.
# Create your production
Depending on which kind of production you need to create, you will find the walkthrough
- Create a TV Show Production Create a TV show production with assets, shots, sequences, episodes and edits
- Create a Feature Film Production Create a Feauture Film production (about 1 000 entities) with assets, shots, sequences and edit.
- Create your SHORT production: Create a short production (about 500 assets and shots) with assets, shots, sequences and edit.
- Create a SHOTS only Production Create a short production (about 500 shots) with only shots, sequences and edit
- Create an ASSET only Production Create a short production (about 500 assets) with only assets.
- Create a Video Game production Create a Video game production with assets, Maps, Level and Chapters (as tv show).
- Create a NFT Collection Create a NFT Collection with assets, and NFT Collection.
# Assignation, Estimation and schedule
In this section, we will give more information about Kitsu main uses:
- Assign a task: Learn how to add someone to a team and assign a task.
- Estimation and Team speed: Learn how to fill the number of days estimated to do a task (bids) and check your team speed.
- Schedules: Discover the different schedules in Kitsu, from the studio level to the task level.
# Status, Publish and Thumbnails
Learn the day-to-day use of Kitsu:
- Status: How to change a status and communicate with your team.
- Publish: How to share your work with your team, supervisor and director.
- Add a Thumbnail: How to apply thumbnails to assets and shots.
# Internal Review and client Playlist
How to organize internal and external reviews:
- Review: Learn how to check all the review of one task.
- Daily & Weekly review: Gather video versions in a glimpse and stay focus during the review.
- Client Playlists: Gather and share your work with your client in a controlled environment.
# Supervisor
As a supervisor you have different expectations of kitsu:
- Manage your Department(s): Learn how you can manage and supervise your team
- Supervise your Tasks: Don't forget any tasks!
# Producer
As a producer you need to move from the most detailed to the broadest view:
- Build your Production Report: Everything you need to know to create your production report.
- Build a Studio Report: Stay ahead of your productions at the Studio's level.
# Developper
As a developper here is some detailled explanation about what you can do with kitsu
- Custom Actions: A custom action is a simple HTTP request that sends information from your current Kitsu selection to a custom end.
- Bots: The main use is for scripting with gazu, and anything else that can use our API.
- Kitsu Publisher: Kitsu is a web application to share the progress of your productions and validate your deliveries.
- Chat Integration: Get your notification on Discord, Slack or Mattermost.
- Open source Setup: If your version of Kitsu is hosted and maintained by CGWire, you don't have anything to install.
# Tutorials
Video tutorials are available on Youtube. They cover the essential parts of Kitsu. You will find them via the link below:
Kitsu tutorials channel (opens new window)
# Frequently Asked Questions
It's the place to find common questions asked by studios and their answers. Tutorials don't cover everything... This FAQ is here to add the missing part!
- How to delete...: Every questions you have about how to clean your data
- How to filter...: Quickly find specific data
- How to get notified...: Make sure you don't miss any change
- How to report...: Build production reports in a glimpse
# About authors
Kitsu is written by CG Wire, a company based in France. We help animation studios to manage their production and build pipelines efficiently.
We apply software craftmanship principles as much as possible. We love coding and consider that strong quality and good developer experience matter a lot. Our extensive experience allows studios to get better at dealing with the complexity of productions. They can collaborate more efficiently, deliver faster and make better pictures.
Visit cg-wire.com (opens new window) for more information.